Friday, September 28, 2012

"Many Gays are attracted to Jesus"

Often we preach and teach scriptural truth in such a harsh way it sounds condemning and judgmental.  Why is it that we expect unbelievers to live in ways contrary to their nature?  Anyone who is not in Christ Jesus continues living out of the Adamic nature . . . the sin nature (the old man).  When a person is truly redeemed they die to the Adamic nature and take on the nature of Jesus Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit (Romans 6: 2 Corinthians 5:21).

We are not going to reach the typical unbeliever with anger or harshness.  James says, “For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of GOD” (1:20).  Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  And Paul makes a powerful statement in Romans 2:4:  “Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of GOD leads you to repentance?”

To speak and teach the radical truth of Jesus Christ with the radical love of Jesus Christ is not to compromise His truth.  On the contrary, by teaching and preaching in this way is to totally rest in the power of the gospel to redeem (Romans 1:16) rather than trusting our weak and powerless efforts of flesh. 

As we lovingly and confidently present the radical truth of GOD’s word His love compels men and women everywhere to follow Him and to obey Him.  This is clearly the practice of Jesus and precisely why sinners were attracted to Him and to His message.   

The very gates of hell themselves shall not prevail against the onslaught of the Church of the living Christ as she proclaims the radical gospel with radical love.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Dream

In my flesh I desire to fight back, to speak out, to make myself look good before others, to vindicate myself. But Holy Spirit calls me to quite rest in Him, to sit quietly in His presence, to trust Him in every area of my life.

This may appear to be doing nothing but actually I am participating in battles going on in spiritual realms. I am waging war--not with the weapons of the world, but with heavenly weapons, which have divine power to demolish strongholds. Living close to the LORD is a sure defense against evil.

I dream about what would happen if instead of living out of our flesh we would rest in Holy Spirit and allow His life to be "lived-out" within us and through us. I wonder if our churches & beloved Christian ministries would be so full of discord and division and behavior that is so unbecoming of a follower of the Risen LORD.

It is a dream that I pray will become a reality in my life.

[Adapted from, "Jesus Calling"]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Conflict and Flesh Among Believers

Isn't it strange how people (including myself) position themselves to look good or right before others even at the expense of the reputation of someone else.  Where is Jesus in the midst of that?

Another important lesson I'm learning from the LORD during this difficult season . . . I must not believe everything I read or hear. It seems there are usually two sides to every disagreement and conflict.  Give others respect that perhaps they have been misunderstood or even deliberately slandered.  It's amazing what I'm hearing and seeing believers doing to one another.  I do not see Jesus or the fruit of Holy Spirit in any of it. I repent!  You must repent!  The Church must repent!  GOD forgive us & have mercy upon us in this dark hour!

Don't be so quick to pass judgment or make judgment . . . speak to everyone involved . . . but most importantly, seek the LORD and walk in Holy Spirit. Allow His life to  be lived in you and through you.  He will ALWAYS express Himself through you as . . . love . . . joy . . . peace . . . suffering long with the other . . .gentle . . . good . . . faithful . . . humble . . . and He will always refrain from quick speech, self-centered sinful anger, from quick judgments, and will control all responses of our flesh. (Galatians 5:22-23).

Let me close by asking a deeply serious question:  "Are you more concerned about looking good to your friends and winning an arguement or are you more concerned about experiencing intimacy with the Father and being faithful?"  GOD help us all!