Many of us have believed the lies of the Enemy
for way too long. As we do that we begin
to embrace those lies and live them out.
This is why some believers eventually embrace a gay identity rather than
their true identity in Christ.
One of the main purposes we exist as a ministry
is to provide a safe place for gay people and their loved ones to work through
this process and to embrace their true destiny and their true identity in
Christ. This is also an important role
for the Church to embrace regardless of what the issues may be. We are called to encourage one another, to
stir up one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Paul calls us to “be transformed by the renewing
of [our] minds” (Romans 12:2). This is a
major part of spiritual warfare that all believers battle. However, if we believe the Enemy’s lies long
enough we will walk in negativity and defeatism. But as we grow in our belief of who GOD says
we are in Christ we walk in liberty, joy and peace.
My pastor (Aarron Schwartz, pastor of Restoration
Church Nashville) is preaching through a series he calls “Living between the
Edens.” The basic premise is to remind
us that we are living in a fallen and broken world and to walk in redemption
does not mean we are suddenly exempt from temptation or suffering. Men and women who experience attractions to
the same sex and who come to JESUS are not necessarily instantly “cured” from
those attractions.
Paul declares: “It was for freedom that Christ
set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke
of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). To embrace
a gay identity is to embrace a “yoke of slavery.” In Romans 8:1 Paul makes another incredible
declaration: “Therefore (see Romans 7:24
& 25 for why the “therefore” is there) there is now NO CONDEMNATION for
those who are in Christ Jesus.”
However, it is not that we have been delivered
from temptation, struggles, and suffering in this world, but that in the midst
of them we have been set free from the Law because JESUS condemned sin in the
flesh through His death on the cross; something the Law could never
accomplish. Hear what Paul is
saying: Our redemption is a work GOD
accomplished by condemning sin (not us) in the flesh and, therefore, the
requirement of the Law is fulfilled in us because we are now in the Spirit
(Romans 8:2-4; 9).
Because we have divorced salvation from
sanctification, and have preached a gospel of “cheap grace” and “easy
believism,” (works-based salvation) we have lost the beauty of holiness that is
so essential to walking in freedom while living in this fallen world.
It is critically important that we as believers
recognize the biblical truth that redemption has three levels: (1) Justification (we have been redeemed) –
the instantaneous born again experience where the old man has been crucified
with Christ & the new man is risen (Romans 5:18; Romans 6); (2)
Sanctification (we are being redeemed) – the journey of “living between the
Edens” in this world and growing in holiness and Christ-likeness (Romans
7:15-25; 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 and much of the New Testament); (3) Glorification
(we will be redeemed) – embracing our true destiny through shedding the body of
flesh and receiving a glorified body for eternity (Romans 8:18-25; 1
Corinthians 15:51-58; 2 Corinthians 4:14-18).
The mission of Sight Ministry is to share the redemptive
process of the GOSPEL OF JESUS with individuals for whom homosexuality is a
reality. We attempt to fulfill our
mission basically in three ways: (1)
Through Mentoring and Discipleship:
One-On-One and Small Groups; (2) Through Assimilation into the local
church; (3) Through Outreach to the gay community.
It is
important that those of us who choose to follow JESUS rather than our sexuality
find a safe place to live and walk “between the Edens” so we can embrace all
that GOD has created us for and all that He has redeemed us for. This is the call of the Church.