I loved this illustration that
speaks about the difference between being a religious rule keeper and having an
authentic intimate relationship with GOD.
It’s from the book, “Not A Fan,” by Kyle Idleman
When we learn to truly follow
Jesus, we find that obedience to GOD comes from the inside out. Submission to what GOD wants for our lives
flows naturally out of that relationship.
It’s not to say that what we do or don’t do doesn’t matter, but what we
do or don’t do must come from who we are as followers of Jesus.
When I got married there were
some rules that I said I would live by.
These rules were written and spelled out for me. When I said, “I Do” I understood I was
committing to keeping certain rules.
Rules like:
Be faithful
to her as long as we both live.
Provide for
her and meet her needs.
Protect her
with my life.
Be committed
to her for better or for worse.
But after I got married I soon
discovered that there are other rules I didn’t know about. But these rules have since been clearly
I am to keep
my closet clean.
I am not to
make fun of her before 10 am.
The toilet
seat is to remain down at all times.
I am to
always have an opinion when asked about two dresses that to an untrained male
eye appear to be identical.
Listening to
her and watching SportsCenter at the same time is tantamount to an emotional
Never grow
hair on my back.
If I saw our relationship as a
bunch of rules I had to keep, I would quickly become bitter and miserable. I would likely rebel and break the rules when
she wasn’t paying attention. But I am
passionately in love with my wife and that translates into a desire to please
her. So I find that cleaning my closet,
putting the lid down on the toilet, or other such extravagant acts aren’t
cumbersome but actually quite satisfying.
When the relationship on the inside is right, the outside will follow.