Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What It Will Cost a Gay Person to Follow Jesus

"Finally a thought crosses my mind: I wonder what Jesus taught whenever he had the big crowds . . . I found that when Jesus had a large crowd, He would most often preach a message that was likely to cause them to leave." -- Kyle Idleman

WOW! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not ice cream sundaes, firework shows and the spectacular "Spectacular!" Jesus' calling to follow Him includes the following: "Do not acquire gold, silver or copper for your money belts, or a bag for your journey, or even 2 coats, or sandals, or a staff. Don't travel & stay in fancy hotels. You are being sent out to a world of wolves. You will be persecuted by others. You will be betrayed by others; even family members & friends. You will be hated by most everyone. You may actually even be killed. This will be like warfare. You must not love anyone more than you love Me . . . not even family members. Take up your cross and follow Me. You must lose your life in this world. You must lose your love for this world. Now count the cost and follow Me if you dare!" -- Matthew 10

Whether you are gay or straight Jesus calls us to deny the lusts of our flesh and follow Him.  Most are unwilling to pay the price of following Christ Jesus.  Most are unwilling to die to the overwhelming desires of this world.  Most are not even being presented the truth of what it means to follow Jesus.  

If we preached the true Gospel of Jesus Christ I wonder what our churches would look like. Just a thought. I guess I'm being silly and out of touch and misguided.

1 comment:

  1. "Whether you are gay or straight Jesus calls us to deny the lusts of our flesh and follow Him."

    Well put, Richard! So the opposite of the message of our over-sexualized culture that leaves us believing our identity lies in sexual experience instead of Christ.
