Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Supremacy of the Gospel over Politics & Defiled Religion: Reaching the Gay Community

We strongly believe that the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST is THE absolute key in changing the lives of all people regardless of what their sin issues might be.  I’m not referring to the compromised watered down version that is popular today.  I’m talking about the complete, radical, powerful, authentic GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST that was GOD’s plan from the foundation of the world.

Paul said in Romans 1:16:  "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for IT is the power of GOD for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." 

Therefore we intentionally choose not to trust in politics or man's agenda to work change from the outside in (behavior modification).  We desire to rest in and trust totally in the authentic, life impacting, power of the Gospel of Jesus that profoundly changes lives from the inside out.

We are challenged by GOD and convicted by HOLY SPIRIT to examine our own personal lives to discover our own sinfulness that falls short of GOD’s glory and that might become a stumbling block to those who are outside of GOD’s family.  We cannot continue to live a life of defiled religion, hypocrisy and compromise.

We are called to yield to the work of HOLY SPIRIT within us as He conforms us to very image of Jesus Christ.  The measure we use that shows us spiritual maturity is the fruit of the Spirit not the good works of a man (Galatians 5:22-23). 

We are so fully convinced this is GOD’s plan we feel compelled to engage the culture around us rather than being offended by it and withdrawing from it.  We believe so strongly that the authentic unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of GOD for salvation that we feel humbled and broken if we become the focus and the causation for others to stumble.  If someone stumbles may Jesus and Jesus alone be the Stone of Stumbling, not us (1 Peter 2:6-8).

Those who are unbelievers are simply living out of their unbelief.  Why would we expect them to act or to behave otherwise?  Politics, defiled religion, works of man, etc., will only divide and create barriers.  But the Gospel of Jesus Christ is GOD's power for total absolute redemption and change.

I battled against this concept for many years because I did not truly believe in the power of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I felt I needed to assist GOD in His redemptive work to protect our society by entering into the political arena and by “fighting” to protect moral values.  Now I have found peace and rest as I continue to embrace the truth that GOD doesn’t need me to be His champion of the faith.  He is quite able to take care of that Himself.  That is why He humbled Himself to become a man and to die on a cross.  His resurrection is the proclamation to all people everywhere there is hope, life and freedom through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  What GOD has accomplished in His redemptive work is far greater & more powerful than anything else to bring radical and lasting change to any person.  And GOD accomplishes His work from the inside out by creating within the redeemed person a new heart (Ezekiel 11:19; Matthew 15:10-20).

As followers of Jesus Christ we hold on to His promise of total absolute redemption and we embrace Jesus’ bold declaration, “. . . and upon this rock (the Gospel of Jesus Christ) I will build My Church; and the very gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18).  Therefore we know we have been given the “keys of the Kingdom of Heaven” and through the power of GOD Himself, “whatever [we] have bound on earth shall have been bound in Heaven, and whatever [we] loose on earth shall have been loosed in Heaven” (Matthew 16:19).

Do we dare think that politics, humanism, defiled religion, works of man and our weak, powerless programs can match the “GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST?”  “Go therefore and make disciples . . . I AM with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).  “You will receive power when HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

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