Monday, April 22, 2013

“Gays, Pharisees, Politics and the Gospel of Christ”

As Christians continue involving themselves in the public policy arena and in political debate concerning gay issues they may discover they are contributing to widening the “great divide” between the church, and it’s GOD-given mission, and a large group of people whom God loves.

Let me first clear the air about what I believe about the Bible before you turn me off.  I believe the Bible is ultimate truth and authority.  I believe everything GOD says as He addresses His purposes concerning human sexuality.  I also believe it is critically important for both sides on the gay debate to enter into authentic relationships and to dialogue with one another in nonthreatening ways.

As I processed the senseless acts of terror in Boston recently I tried to understand what terrorists hoped to gain or accomplish by their horrific cowardly acts of indiscriminate violence on innocent people.  In the end it seems terrorism does not gain the sought after results.  It seems when Americans are attacked in these ways we are brought closer together; we become more unified and patriotic; we seem to rise up with even greater resolve; we are made stronger not weaker.

This observation made me think about the tactics and methods some churches and Christians use in trying to sway unbelievers and gay people to embrace biblical standards (I’m not suggesting churches or Christians are terrorists).  Some of these tactics and methods are impersonal evangelism, politics, and debate, etc.  Very often these tactics are carried out  with an attitude of judgmentalism, condemnation and religious self-righteousness.   These methods and attitudes will not be productive in reaching our culture.

Why would we expect unbelievers, who do not possess HOLY SPIRIT, to embrace GOD’s purposes and truths when the things of GOD can only be spiritually understood (1 Corinthians 2:14).  Unbelievers or “a natural man/woman” are simply acting out of their nature . . . who they are apart from Christ.  The “natural man” believes the things of GOD are foolish.  The “natural man” responds to the methods and attitudes of many Christians with anger and they recoil away from Christ and the church.  Solomon understood this spiritual truth when he wrote:  “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”  (Proverbs 15:1).  They will seek out others who will love them and accept them and support them. 

It seems the Church and Christian community would learn from Jesus’ experiences and examples.  It is clear throughout the gospels (there are numerous examples) that Jesus attracted sinners, tax collectors, immoral people and outcasts of His day though He never embraced their sinful behavior.  The people Jesus had problems with were the self-righteous religious zealots who were condemning and making judgments against the very same people Jesus engaged.  Unfortunately, many in the church today have missed this and have become guilty of making the same mistakes of the Pharisees.  As a result, what I call “the great divide,” between the lost unbelieving culture and GOD’s redemptive message has greatly widened and deepened. 

It is important that the followers of Jesus embrace His method of reaching a belligerent culture . . . authentic unconditional self-sacrificing love (agape) coupled with the message of the Gospel of Christ.

It is important to understand what the Gospel of Christ is and what it is not.  It is not simply getting people to recite a “sinner’s prayer” so that when they die they will go to heaven.  The Gospel of Christ . . . GOD’s redemptive work . . .  affects every part of our lives here and now.  Though it includes our eternal destiny it impacts our lives as we live in this difficult world.  How can anyone survive or keep their sanity in this world of pain and suffering without embracing the authentic Gospel of Jesus and without walking in faith that trusts in the goodness and faithfulness of a loving and present GOD?

Paul said: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for [IT] is the power of GOD for salvation to everyone who believes . . . “ (Romans 1:16).  The power of GOD to impact lives and to redeem a lost soul both now and for eternity is the Gospel of Christ . . . not politics, arguments, debate, protests, judgmentalism or a condemning attitude.  All of these methods and attitudes cheapen the gospel and its power.

When asked by Jesus, “Who do [you] say that I am?” Peter cried out, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living GOD!”  Jesus replied, “I also say to you that you are Peter (Petros—rock-man), and upon this rock (Petra—a feminine word for “rock” not a name; Jesus was using a play on words) I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:13-19).  This is the gospel message of Christ.

The most effective way to confront our culture with this amazing truth of GOD is to be pro-active and intentional in cultivating authentic relationships with people in our community where we live; not simply having an acquaintance type relationship but an authentic transparent intimate relationship with our neighbors (Matthew 5:43-44; Luke 10:29-37; Galatians 5:14).  As we experience authentic relationships with lost people next door we will then have many opportunities to share with them what we have heard Jesus teach us and what we have seen Jesus do in our lives. (Matthew 11:2-6). 

As we cultivate these authentic relationships with lost neighbors and as we have opportunity to share the authentic gospel of Christ, HOLY SPIRIT will have opportunity to work the work that only He can perform . . . and the very gates of hell will not be able to resist.  This is the Good News . . . this is the power of the Gospel of Christ Jesus . . . this is the Church being the Church.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Richard! "And God has given us the task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them" (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). Paul says that God has given us the job, of joining Christ, in not holding people's sins against them. Rather than judging, we are to reconcile them to Christ.
