you are a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for GOD’s
own possession,’ so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; [10]for you once were ‘not
a people’ but now you are the ‘people of GOD;’ you had ‘not received mercy’ but
now you have ‘received mercy.’”
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the
righteousness of GOD in Him.”—2 Corinthians 5:21
of the most exciting truths about the Christmas event is that it is the
incarnation of GOD’s redemptive plan for all who believe. GOD’s redemptive work isn’t simply about
making it possible for us to go to Heaven when we die but what His redemptive
work accomplished to make that possible.
The most tragic consequence of the Fall is that all who are born of Adam
(which is everyone who has ever been born to man and woman) inherit Adam’s
sinful nature which separated Adam from GOD.
redemptive work resolves that curse.
JESUS (GOD in the flesh) did not commit sins but literally became sin
(took on the sin nature of Adam . . . became the 2nd Adam) and, as
the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb of GOD, took on the penalty (death sentence) of
Adam’s rebellion against GOD. As a
result, when we believe, our Adamic nature dies and in its place we receive the
“spiritual DNA” of JESUS . . . HOLY SPIRIT invades our spirit and we are
totally and completely take on the very perfect nature of JESUS Himself.
were once “not a people” but now, in Christ, we become the “people of GOD.” At one time we had “not received mercy” but
now, Christ, we have “received mercy.”
Praising GOD . . . Our Great Physician and Redeemer!
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