Sunday, December 7, 2014

ADVENT: Reclaiming Christmas - Day 8

Advent:  Day 8:  “The Humility of Christmas”

Scripture:  Luke 1:46-55

One of the most amazing story-lines within the context GOD’s greater eternal redemptive story is found in the Christmas story.  Think about it.  GOD, the Creator of the heavens and the universe, GOD the Maker of all the world, GOD the King of Glory stooped down and became one of His created master pieces. I know!

GOD lowered Himself to become flesh and blood and a human person.  But He did not present Himself with pomp and circumstance . . . He did not make the entrance of a mighty glorious king of power and fame and fortune.  He did not come in a way that would cause the peoples of the world to bow down and worship Him and serve Him.

No!  He thrust Himself into this broken fallen scene in the form of a fetus . . . conceived like none other . . . but nonetheless, a baby within the womb of a poor peasant girl.  This incredible miraculous act did not bring Him glory and honor, but rather, it brought scorn and shame upon the chosen mother and her fiancé.

This seems to be consistent with the way our GOD and Savior operates.  He has “regard for the humble . . . He scatters the proud . . . He brings down rulers from their thrones . . . . But He exalts the humble . . . He fills the hungry . . . He releases the captives . . . He gives sight to the blind . . . and He sets free those who are downtrodden.” (Verses 50-53; Luke 4:18).

Contemplate this hidden truth:  Only the humble, broken, and poor in spirit will be astounded and overwhelmed by the truth of Christmas.  The rest will simply be worn to a frazzle in the midst of all the hubbub of the busy Christmas chaos around them. 

Don’t be one of them . . . fall on your knees and hear the angel’s voices!

Merry Christmas!


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