You may have been wondering how you could become a partner and a friend of Sight Ministry and how you could show your love and support for the individuals involved and what we purpose to accomplish.
The following are a few simple things you can do but are suggestions that would be HUGE for us:
The following are a few simple things you can do but are suggestions that would be HUGE for us:
- Truly pray about giving financially on a monthly basis. I believe if you pray specifically about this the LORD will clearly show you His will. Then simply walk in obedience to what you hear whether that means to give or not. Even minimum monthly contributions are extremely significant.
- Write a note of encouragement and support to the participants of Sight Ministry and I will publish it in the monthly newsletter. This can be done totally anonymously, first name only, or your full name. We need to know there are others “out there” who support our choice to follow JESUS rather than embrace a gay identity.
- PLEASE . . . get our information into the hands of your church leadership and take initiative to set up a meeting between them and myself. We really need many more churches to partner with us. Partnering is a two-way street: (1) We have much to offer local church leaders and members; (2) It would be awesome if more churches helped us financially (My church is the only church supporting us monthly. There are two other churches who give to us once or twice a year); (3) if your church does any kind of mission’s fair or outreach fair we would love to set up our information exhibit; (4) I would love to have opportunity to speak at your church, share my testimony, conduct a workshop, and train leadership; (5) We desire to build a network of “safe” churches to partner with us and to refer individuals to. I’d love the opportunity to share what it means to be a “safe church.”
- Become a part of a new “Email Prayer Line.” I would be interested in building an email group that is dedicated to praying for specific needs concerning Sight Ministry and participants within our ministry. If you are willing to serve in this prayer group please email me:
Sight Ministry exists to provoke the Church to “stimulate [believers]
to love and good deeds” and . . . . ”To
preach the gospel to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives &
recovery of sight to the blind” (Luke 4:18).
Richard, as you know, I have contacted the powers that be at The Fellowship. In addition, I would like to become a "Note Writer." I'm very good at sending notes, and I would love to send notes of encouragement to your participants. Just tell me what and how. Thanks.