Saturday, December 20, 2014

ADVENT: Reclaiming Christmas -- Day 21

Advent:  Day 21:  "Christmas is a Call to Death to Self"

Scripture:  Mark 10:32-45 – Focus verse:  “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

The context of the scripture for this devotional is the request by James and John (the two sons of Zebedee) to sit on JESUS’ right and left “in Your glory.”  It seems for most of us we struggle with the desire for greatness . . . to be known . . . to be recognized.  JESUS’ response to them was basically, “you guys are nuts . . . you have no idea what you’re asking!”

Then JESUS went on to say that even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve others in a totally sacrificial way.  Remember, this is the GOD/MAN . . . this is GOD who left His glory to become a man . . . to eventually die . . . but not simply to die but to die a criminal’s death.  JESUS demonstrated the ultimate sacrifice of Himself.

This is truly the message of Christmas.  But it doesn’t end there.  JESUS calls all those who would follow Him to also come to a place of absolute humility and self-denial unto death (Luke 9:23).  Death to flesh and to self is one of the most important indicators that we are truly born of the Spirit and that we are children of GOD.

Part of the good news of the Christmas story is that we do not have to strive to make this happen.  Actually, there isn’t anything in ourselves that can make it happen.  We can submit and yield to HOLY SPIRIT, but it is truly and fully the work of HOLY SPIRIT within us . . . not our work (Galatians 5:22-23).

During the final days of this Christmas season I want to challenge you to be more self-reflective.  If you see that you are living in a self-centered, self-serving way seek the LORD in repentance and ask HOLY SPIRIT to show you how you can die to yourself and yield to His life within you.  Also, look around at others around you . . . at your work place . . . in the stores as you shop . . . at your church . . . around your neighborhood.  Then ask yourself, “What can I do with my family to bless others?”  Then go do it!  It doesn’t have to be a big thing.

As you embrace the greatest Christmas gift ever . . . GOD’s redemption through JESUS . . . allow His Spirit to “give it forward” to everyone around you.



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