Saturday, April 19, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- EASTER SUNDAY

Scripture:  Luke 24:5
“Why do you seek the living One among the dead? 

            He is not here, but He has risen!”

JESUS is Risen . . . .  

                                      He is Risen Indeed!

Celebrate Easter Big -- Passion Week: Holy Saturday

Scripture:  Matthew 27:59-60

And Joseph took the body [of JESUS] and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in

his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock . . .

. . . And he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb.  . .

            . . . And went away.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Passion Week: Good Friday

The link below is the Lent/Easter Devotional for today, Good Friday.  It is one of the most powerful presentations on Good Friday that I have ever experienced. 

Be certain to watch the video at the end . . . enlarge it to full screen & turn up the volume!  Embrace the moment and prepare yourself for Sunday . . . it's comin'

“Sunday is a Comin’” by the late Dr. S.M. Lockridge

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Passion Week: Thursday

Scripture:  Mark 14:12-31 & John 13:1-20

Though I did not grow up in a Christian home and did not have much understanding about the things of GOD or who JESUS was our family had the traditional picture of a blue-eyed JESUS and I saw many pictures depicting the Last Supper.  It was many years after I had become a believer that I came to understand that what I had always known as the Last Supper was actually a Passover Meal and it has taken me years longer to understand the significance of this meal.

As I read Mark 14:12 today, I was impacted in a fresh new way by the statement:  “On the first day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb was being sacrificed . . . .”  Do you see the amazing picture taking place here?  It would be helpful to read the story of the first Passover especially Exodus 11 and 12. 

Every year, even to this day thousands of years later, Jews all over the world remember this foundational event by observing the Passover Feast which includes a Passover Seder (a retelling of the Exodus from Egypt).  There is also expectation of the coming of the Messiah who will re-establish the kingdom of Israel. 

In our scripture today we read of JESUS calling His disciples together to observe the Passover meal (Last Supper) as Jews everywhere were doing.  But this one was different from all the others.  JESUS took some of the bread they were eating during their Passover meal and said, “Take it; this is My body” (v. 22).  Then He took the wine they were drinking during their Passover meal and said, “This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many” (v. 24).  JESUS could not have done or said a more insulting thing to incite the religious leaders.  JESUS was clearly declaring that He was the long awaited Messiah . . . the Son of GOD . . . .  He was boldly declaring He was the ultimate fulfillment of the Passover Seder . . . He WAS the Passover Lamb!

In the midst of disciples’ pridefully clamoring about who might be the greatest or who might have the best position of authority and honor in the new “administration” JESUS declares His identity.  JESUS gives an example of the kind of king He is going to be and the kind of kingdom in which He will reign by washing their feet.  I don’t think they go it!

The religious leaders didn’t get it either.  They felt so threatened by JESUS they were ready to implement the evil plan of ending all of this . . . the irony of it all . . . they were playing a role in the redemptive story of GOD and they were being led by one of JESUS’ own.  He was present at the Passover meal with JESUS.  And JESUS, knowing all along what was coming down, washed his feet.  I am amazed!

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Passion Week: Spy Wednesday

Scripture: Luke 22:1-6; 21-23

The Wednesday of Holy Week has been called “Spy Wednesday” by the Church for many years.  The plot thickens as the religious leaders are meeting privately plotting angrily for a way to have JESUS put away.  JESUS had confronted them over and over again and had made strong statements that inflamed them as He proclaimed GOD’s piercing truth uncompromisingly.  He had to be silenced and it had to be quickly!

Luke makes a statement in our scripture today that made me shiver to my bones:  “And Satan entered into Judas . . . .”  This was the moment that Judas made a decision he could not sit back any longer.  Perhaps he thought he needed to take matters into his own hands to force JESUS’ hand to move forward with the new kingdom of Israel.  Or, perhaps Judas was just plain greedy and the experience of Mary anointing JESUS’ feet with expensive ointment and JESUS' defense of her against him was more than he could stand.  Whatever the reason Judas became a pawn in Satan’s hand.

Judas actually met with the religious leaders to discuss how this would all go down.  They were more than happy to agree with him (sounds like it was his plan . . . his idea) and agreed to give him money in return.  We know the amount was “30 pieces of silver”
. . . the price of the life of a slave (Exodus 21:32).

It gets worse; Judas began plotting for the best opportunity to betray JESUS away from the crowd.  This really puts the thought of Judas’ presence at the Last Supper with JESUS and the other disciples into perspective.  I’m thinking, “You dirty, sneaking, conniving, evil, and horribly wicked traitor!  How dare you!  How could you!

This story has just never hit me this way before.  This makes me cry out.  This makes my heart heavy and brings an aching pain in the pit of my stomach.  You know the feeling!  Why am I sitting here in Ugly Mugs (coffee shop in East Nashville) thinking about this and experiencing a deep wave of emotions flowing throughout the fiber of my soul?

I think I know if I’m willing to be truly honest with myself.  And I think you know why too.  It seems I’m more like Judas most days than I ever want to be or that I’m willing to confess and admit.  “Had the redemption of the world depended on the diligence of the disciples (or even their staying awake) it would never have been accomplished” (Donald Macleod, “The Person of Christ”).  And yet JESUS died for Judas and for me and for you.

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Passion Week: Tuesday

Scripture:  Mark 14:1-9 & John 12:1-8

Though the raising of Lazarus and Mary’s anointing are very familiar stories to me the proximity to JESUS own death, burial, and resurrection overwhelmed me in a completely new way today.  This story took place six days before the Passover.  John has just said in John 11:57 that the chief priests and the Pharisees had issued a warrant for His arrest.  The time is very near.  JESUS is moving into danger not away from it.  This is the Passover when He will die.

JESUS was having a special dinner with His friends.  They were honoring JESUS for raising Lazarus from death.   Lazarus was reclining right there with them.  Mary then took expensive ointment, about the size of a soda can, made from pure nard (a highly valued fragrance) and anointed JESUS’ feet and wiped them with her hair.  The house was overwhelmed with the fragrance.

We know about Judas’ objection but let’s focus on Mary’s expression of love, value, and worth that she felt toward JESUS.  Mary realized intimacy with JESUS and to know Him, to see Him for who He was, to hear His incredible teaching, to experience His healing touch, and to have authentic fellowship with Him is infinitely more valuable to her than the money used to purchase the expensive perfume.  JESUS brought her brother back to life!  There is no way to measure the value of that.

Mary took that which was the most beautiful thing that she had, her hair, and used it to wash JESUS’ feet, the lowliest part of JESUS.  She turned her hair into a rag to wash JESUS’ feet.  This is truly the ultimate foot washing expression.

Judas could not begin to comprehend what Mary was doing because he was so focused on the material thing.  That’s what happens when we allow the things of this world replace our worship of JESUS who is LORD and KING.

JESUS did not want Judas to rob Mary of her thrill, her gratitude, her amazement, her wonder, or her love for Him.  The mind set of Judah at the tomb would be:  so much for that Messiah; so much for that way to find victory over our enemies.  What a waste!  What a failure!  But the mind set of Mary and those who believe as she believes will be one filled with love and hope as she stands by the tomb in six days.

If anyone tells you to moderate your love for JESUS, do not listen!  Let your affections for JESUS be lavish!  Do not allow the cares of this world rob you of the riches JESUS has to offer!  Do not allow anyone to tell you JESUS’ death is anything less than triumph over death.  JESUS is the resurrection and the life.  “Whoever believes in Him, though he die, yet shall he live.  Whoever lives and believes in Him shall never die (John 11:25-26).”

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Monday, April 14, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big - Passion Week: Monday

Scripture:  Mark 11:15-33:

When JESUS came to Jerusalem it’s clear He was unhappy with what He was seeing in the Temple.  This was GOD’s house but it had become a commercial enterprise rather than a place for people to come and worship GOD and find healing.  It had become restricted by rules that exempted the blind, the destitute, and the outcasts. 

JESUS declared in uncompromising terms that, “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations” (v. 17).  On a wall not far from where JESUS made that declaration was a sign reminding all foreigners who tried to pass the wall would be killed and there were Temple police armed and ready to enforce this rule.  For JESUS to make this strong declaration was remarkable.  We can see why He angered the religious leaders of His day.  The Temple was to be a place of healing and redemption for all people.

JESUS did not miss an opportunity to include those who were usually excluded.  Anyone who may feel unworthy or excluded should be welcomed and discover genuine hospitality when we meet GOD’s people.  Everyone should feel welcome regardless of their background or history.  We should extend that welcome to all people.

There has never been a person ever born who was not created by GOD and created in GOD’s own image no matter how wicked or vile we may think they are (Genesis 1:26-27).  There has never been a person ever born whom JESUS did not suffer for and die for on what we call Good Friday.  There has never been a person ever born whom GOD did not offer redemption to through JESUS’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

GOD loves all people right where we are in the midst of our sin and depravity and demonstrated His unconditional love for us by providing His own Son as atonement so that we, in the midst of our sin, would be justified before GOD, saved from the wrath of GOD, reconciled to GOD, and saved by His life (Romans 5:8-11).

Now see this incredible truth:  “For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self (the nature of Adam) was crucified with Him in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin (the fallen nature of Adam)” (Romans 6:5-6).  And see this:  “For the death that He died, He died to sin ONCE FOR ALL but the life that He lives, He lives to GOD.  Even so, consider yourselves (it is a done deal) to be dead to sin (fallen nature of Adam), but alive to GOD in CHRIST JESUS” (Romans 6:10-11).

This is why I am overwhelmed in worship & why I will celebrate Easter in a big way!

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 40 (Palm Sunday)

Scripture:  Luke 19:28-44

What has become known as Palm Sunday or the “Triumphal Entry” has always been intriguing to me.  It was a wonderful day for so many people.  We know the story . . . thousands of people gathered to welcome their king whom they thought was going to bring victory over their Roman oppressors.  But GOD has something else in mind.

The people lined up and down the streets throwing palm branches down.  Some even threw down their outer garments.  They cheered, “Hosanna!” which means, “Save now!”  They saw Him as their new king, come to bring salvation from political and societal oppression.  He raised the dead—no doubt He could also restore the kingdom of David and free them from Roman rule.

Even the Pharisees were very concerned about what they were seeing, saying with indignation, “Look, the world has gone after Him” (John 12:19).

Today, remember, when you realized GOD was different than you imagined and saw His will unfold in surprising way.  Remember what the LORD declared:  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways . . . For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

I have always been gripped by JESUS seeing the people of the city, all looking for an earthly king, and He wept.  JESUS wept bitterly because He was heartbroken for the people.  He knew they were looking for something other than what He came to offer.  He knew how quickly they would turn against Him and revile Him. 

We are often like these people.  One moment we are praising Him and the next moment we are denying Him because He doesn’t give us what we think we want and need.  Oh, I don’t mean we usually rail against Him outwardly or vocally, but we deny Him through our complacency.  Every time we are presented with the truth of who JESUS is and what He accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection we deny Him.

May we celebrate today with full knowledge that JESUS did not come to present Himself as a mighty victorious king . . . but in the fact that JESUS came as Suffering Servant to take away our sin.  May we be deeply overwhelmed by His love and grace.

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 39

Scripture:  Romans 7:14-8:1

I love Paul!  He reminds me of myself.  I seem to always practice what I do not desire in my heart to do, but I keep doing the very thing I hate.  But then I realize it is not me who is doing it but it is sin within me that is doing it.   Though we are new creatures in JESUS (2 Corinthians 5:17) we still live in broken flesh, in a fallen world, and we are being attacked daily by the enemy who is determined to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10).

I have come to realize there is nothing within me that is good, that is in my flesh.  I really want to do the right thing, but the actual living it out doesn’t always happen.  There is a principle of evil within me.  Deep within my heart I agree with the law of GOD but my body/flesh is waging war against what is deep within me.
Oh, I am such a wretched man!  Who will deliver me from this body of death?  Thank you GOD that you loved me so much You were willing to send your Only Son JESUS to die in my place.  Therefore, I know that in CHRIST JESUS I am not condemned.

I believe this is the story of every believer.  None of us have achieved perfection in our flesh in this world.  But through the redemptive work of GOD in JESUS I have been justified and declared right with GOD . . . now and forever more (2 Corinthians 5:21).  There is nothing left for us to do in order to be made right with GOD.  This is not a license to continue on in sin (Romans 6:1).  In Christ JESUS we have died to sin (Romans 6:2-6).  If you think GOD’s grace gives you freedom to continue on in sin you do not comprehend grace.  GOD’s grace motivates us . . . compels us . . . to love GOD and to worship Him and to walk in obedience to Him.  

This is the glorious message of Easter . . . in CHRIST JESUS we have been crucified with JESUS . . . we have been buried with JESUS . . . and, praise GOD, we have been raised with JESUS!  How can we not celebrate Easter big as we come to realize the gravity of the work of GOD in us through JESUS!

There is nothing you can do to cause GOD to love you more than He already does.  There is nothing you can do to cause GOD to stop loving you.  There is nothing you can do in and of yourself to be made right (righteous/justified) with GOD.  It all been done.  It is complete.  It is finished!

[I have learned from a trusted source that JESUS will be here tomorrow!  I can’t wait . . . I’m going to head out at sunrise in the morning to greet Him!  I believe He is our King!]

JESUS is Risen . . . !
Richard Holloman

Friday, April 11, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 38

Scripture:  Isaiah 53 (vv. 7-9)

This scripture is a prophecy of the coming Messiah, the Suffering Servant, 700 years before JESUS came into the world.

The Suffering Servant would be “oppressed”—His enemies would continually stalked Him, abuse Him, and finally capture and torment Him.  He would be “afflicted”—brought low, treated with contempt, shamed, belittled, scorned, mocked, and ridiculed.  He would be “led like a lamb to the slaughter”—He would die.  He would be “sheared like a sheep before its shearers”—He would be stripped of his clothes, His friends, His honor, and His divine protection.

Yet, through all of this torment, JESUS would not open His mouth.  Before Caiaphas when He was accused by false witnesses (Matthew 26:62-63); before Pilate (Mark 15:4-5); before Herod (Luke 23:9).  When JESUS was insulted and humiliated He never once expressed anger or hatred towards His accusers.

A friend recently told me about an experience she had at her work place.  She was covered up with work and was pretty stressed out.  A co-worker brought something else to her that would have added to her already over-flowing plate of responsibilities.  My friend kind of went off on her co-worker.  Later she saw how that did not reflect JESUS in her life and she made amends with her co-worker.  That’s a simple example of our lives every day.  But JESUS never responded in such a way.  Even while hanging on the cross and being jeered by those who nailed Him to that tree JESUS prayed for them and asked the Father to “forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

JESUS’ was “cut off out of the land of the living”—not for His own transgressions, but for the transgressions of His people.  He was wounded, bruised, chastised, and beaten for our iniquity and He died.

The statement if v. 8, “who considered” is daunting.  The word “considered” means to ponder or to meditate upon.  The most incredible event that has ever happened in the history of the world has taken place but do we even remotely consider, ponder, or meditate upon it! 

I’m afraid Easter comes and goes and the world doesn’t even take notice because the Church . . . believers . . . are not overwhelmed by it!

[I’ve heard the news . . . JESUS is definitely on His way to Jerusalem.  I think He will be here by Sunday!  WOW!]

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 37

Scripture:  Acts 2:22-36

Many Christians do not grasp the significance of the death of JESUS and for that reason they cannot celebrate Easter in a big way.  One cannot fully celebrate the resurrection of JESUS without first embracing the darkness, pain, suffering, and bloody mess of Good Friday.  One will not embrace the severity of Good Friday without recognizing their part in what JESUS experienced during the Week of Passion.

Remember the somber Negro Spiritual, “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?”  Yes, we were all there!  The essence of what happened to JESUS during Passion Week was not the ending of His physical life but the rejection of GOD in His life.

JESUS claimed to be the Son of GOD (Luke 22:70-71).  He claimed that He was the Messiah (Luke 22:67-69).  But the religious leaders of that day called Him a blasphemer.  They rejected GOD’s endorsement of JESUS and they cried, “Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!” 

We see in Peter’s sermon that He was confronting his audience to awaken them to their opposition to GOD and to GOD’s plan for the redemption of all people.  GOD totally affirms JESUS as the long-awaited Messiah.  These extremely religious, moral, worshipping people, who knew hundreds of scriptures, rejected JESUS as Messiah and by doing so rejected GOD Himself.

JESUS clearly declares Himself to be the only way to GOD (John 14:6).  If we compromise this truth as we live in this pluralistic culture we rise up against GOD.  If we relegate following JESUS with religious activities and moralism we rise up against GOD.  If we allow our faith to become mundane and lifeless we rise up against GOD.

Peter’s sermon is powerful and boldly confrontational.  He clearly declares, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that GOD has made Him [JESUS] both LORD and CHRIST—this JESUS whom YOU crucified” (v. 36).  The critical issue in Peter’s sermon is not the killing of a man, but the repudiation of GOD!

What a powerful and challenging sermon!  Peter is stating emphatically that JESUS is The Messiah . . . there is no other . . . and YOU nailed Him to a cross . . . and put Him to death – this JESUS whom YOU crucified is GOD’s anointed One . . . the sacrificial Lamb of GOD (v. 23 & 36).

Were you there when they crucified my LORD?  Where you there when they nailed Him to a tree?  Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?  Were you there when GOD . . . .  Embrace the darkness, the suffering, and the flowing blood of JESUS.

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 36

Scripture:  Galatians 4:3-7

This morning I read an article called, “Moralism is not the Gospel (But Many Christians Think it Is),” by Dr. Al Mohler (President of my seminary, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ’76).  Here are some thoughts I have from this article.

One of the most dangerous false gospels is moralism or what I call false religion.  The basic structure of moralism comes down to the belief that the Gospel can be reduced to improvements in behavior.

Much of Christendom today is communicating to lost persons the message that what GOD desires for them and demands of them is to get their lives straight.  This is much of what the Church is known for today.  It does not appeal to the longings and yearnings of lost people created in the image of GOD who are searching for deeper things in life and who are searching for answers to the ultimate questions of life:  Who am I?  Why do I exist?  What is the meaning of life?  Isn’t there more to life than this?

People who are “raised right” emerge as adults who obey the laws, respect their neighbors, give at least lip service to religious expectations, and stay away from scandal.  People negotiate a moral code that defines acceptable behavior with innumerable loopholes (religion).  Most moralists would not claim to be without sin, but merely beyond scandal.  This mind-set enslaves believers and does not register with individuals who are seeking ultimate truth. 

As the Church continues propagating this dangerous lie we subvert the authentic Gospel and we communicate a false gospel to a fallen world.  It reduces the Bible to a codebook for human behavior and substitutes moral instruction for the Gospel of JESUS.    

In Galatians 2:16 Paul does not mince his words:  “A man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in CHRIST JESUS, even we have believed in CHRIST JESUS, so that we may be justified by faith in CHRIST and not by works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.”

Moralism produces sinners who are (potentially) better behaved.  The Gospel of CHRIST transforms sinners into the adopted sons and daughters of GOD.  The authentic Gospel is “the power of GOD unto salvation to all who believe” (Romans 1:16).  The authentic Gospel is the rock upon which JESUS is building His Church.  As the Church proclaims the authentic gospel of JESUS the very gates of hades will not have the strength to prevail against it (Matthew 13:16-19).  Why would we want to compromise the authentic Gospel of JESUS by substituting this powerful truth with political and moralistic debate?

This is the glory and power of Easter and why it is absolutely imperative that the Church rise up and crazily celebrate as never before.  I am not motivated to celebrate a legal or moralistic argument.  But I will be counted among others who will go bonkers this Easter in celebrating the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST . . . the most incredible historical event the world has ever known!

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 35

Scripture – Hebrews 10:1-18

As believers it is important that we not become distracted by the world around us that we miss the presence of GOD.  One of the most important books I’ve read is, “Practicing the Presence of GOD,” by Brother Lawrence.  The basic premise of the book speaks of the possibility of being aware of GOD’s presence every waking moment of our lives.

Many believers give a couple of hours per week to the LORD as we attend our worship services and we give perhaps a few minutes of each day to the LORD in our “quiet time.”  But for the most part we rarely think about GOD’s presence and we totally miss GOD’s purpose for creating us.

From GOD’s perspective the most important part of our existence is that we come to understand He created us for Himself and He created us in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27).  Every lust of our flesh is a broken longing and yearning to embrace our true destiny . . . to embrace that which the Creator wove into our deepest being.

The writer of Hebrews is teaching us that the LORD enacted His final plan to redeem us, once and for all, in order that we might finally experience the joy of completeness and fulfillment.  By “taking away the first in order to establish the second” the LORD is making us holy through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST (v. 9-10).   And by this “one offering He has perfected for all time those whom He is making holy” (v. 14).

Holiness is discovering and embracing that which completely and fully satisfies the lusts and appetites of our flesh.  It is not found in anything temporal.  It is not found in religious moralistic values.  It is completeness in relationship with our Creator.

GOD created us in such a way that there would be only one thing that would truly complete us and fill us.  Only One Bread that completely satisfies . . . only One Drink that fully quenches our thirst.  JESUS is the Bread of Life and whoever comes to Him will not hunger and whoever believes in Him will never thirst (John 6:35).  Nothing else will satisfy the hunger and thirst of our soul. 

The appetites and lusts of our flesh are simply manifestations of our deepest inner hunger and thirst for experiencing all that GOD intended for us.  Hear GOD’s offer:  “I, the LORD, am your GOD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:8-10).

Have you heard about a holy man who has been doing incredible miracles and has confronted our religious leaders?  I hear he may be heading this way!  I wonder . . . .

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Monday, April 7, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 34

Scripture – Mark 10:42-45

JESUS statement at the end of the scripture is amazing to me:  “Even the SON of MAN did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (v. 45).”  We often talk about serving JESUS but JESUS says He did not come for that purpose.  He came to serve by sacrificing Himself in our place.

His ultimate act of service was intentional.  He came into this world for that purpose.  JESUS did not come to earth for other reasons and then get caught up in a plot that resulted in His death.

JESUS knowingly walks into the jaws of suffering and death (v. 33-34).  Everyone seemed to be so excited thinking something tremendously wonderful is about to happen.  But JESUS paints a very different picture.

JESUS is choosing to suffer.  He is choosing to die.  He is participating intentionally in His own execution for the purpose of giving His life as a ransom for many – to release us from bondage.  JESUS is paying what we cannot pay so that we might be set free.  JESUS is substituting Himself for us and at the cost of His life we receive freedom (v. 45).

The issue isn’t so much our sins; the issue is SIN . . . the Adamic nature . . . our sin nature.  JESUS did not see us as occasionally sinning, but as under the power of sin.  We are slaves of sin and we need to be ransomed from its power. Paul also speaks about this in Romans 7:15-25.  Also in Genesis 4:7 sin is personified . . . “sin is crouching at the door . . . .”

Paul speaks many times about the results of JESUS’ paying our ransom:  Romans 5:8 --“While we were yet sinners CHRIST died for us:” Romans 5:9—“We were justified by His blood;” Romans 5:10--“We were reconciled to GOD;” Galatians 5:1—we were given freedom; Romans 8:1—we are no longer condemned.

One of the great descriptions of the result of JESUS paying our ransom is seen in John 15.  We see in these versus that we become His disciples . . . we become JESUS’ friends.  I love that concept . . . “I am a friend of JESUS.”   WOW!  The greatest evidence of all that we are truly a friend is our willingness to die for our friend.  JESUS proved His point on Calvary!

I’m sitting at my table alone . . . it is very quiet . . . except for the sound of wind chimes . . . I don’t even hear the birds . . . it is an eerie silence . . . what is this strange feeling . . . ?

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 33

Scripture – Galatians 6:11-18

In v. 11 we see Paul wants his readers to understand the significance of what he is about to say (He’s typing in CAPS & BOLD print!).  Then in v. 12 Paul speaks boldly and with uncalculated risk.  Even in his day a segment of believers were striving to make a “good showing in the flesh” by “compelling others to be circumcised.  Many Christians do the same thing today as we take our focus off the cross of CHRIST and the demands of the authentic GOSPEL OF JESUS and put it on religious busyness and works.

Like Tommy Roe I can sing:  Dizzy, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning . . .Like a whirlpool it never ends!  As long as we are busy with our religious activity we don’t have to think about what JESUS is calling us to . . . a life of death, denial, and cross bearing. 

Here we are in the midst of the holiest season of all, approaching the most foundational spiritual and historical event in the entire history of the world and we are busy doing our normal religious activities unaware of the tragedy of this misplaced energy. 

And as we continue to busy ourselves with our everyday church activity we escape the “persecution of the cross.”  The cross is dark, bloody, messy, and calls for our death.  We don’t want to deal with such things.  But as we ignore the cross bearing we miss the glory, the power, and the celebratory grandeur of the resurrection . . . even the resurrection becomes mundane to us.

We have the advantage of knowing the outcome of Passion Week and we have opportunity to prepare ourselves to CELEBRATE EASTER BIG but we risk missing it.  Has the suffering of the cross, the bloodiness of the cross, the death, burial, and resurrection  become mundane to us?   Has Easter become just another holiday for us?

In v.13 Paul says these religious busybodies “do not even keep the Law themselves.”  They would rather focus on their church growth figures and evangelistic recruits so they can boast in the flesh of those they have conquered.

Then Paul brings us back to what is most important:  “May it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our LORD JESUS CHRIST (v. 14).”  None of the things that keep us so busy during this season matter.  The only thing that really matters is that we are “a new creation” in CHRIST JESUS (v. 15) and that is possible because of the true meaning of Easter:  GOD has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of GOD through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).


JESUS IS Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 32

Scripture:  Galatians 1:3-5

Wesley Hill has written a good book called, “Washed and Waiting.”  “Washed” is a reference to 1 Corinthians 6:11:  “You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and by the Spirit of our GOD.  “Waiting” is a reference to Romans 8:23, 25:  “We ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies . . . . If we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

Many of the Lenten devotionals I have written have centered on the redemptive work of GOD in us through what JESUS accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection.  We have been “washed.”  But we are still residing in this fallen and broken world as aliens in a foreign land (1 Peter 2:11).  So we are “waiting” for the day when we will arrive to our eternal home.

The present age is an evil age because sin has such a grip on our lives and because Satan is allowed so much power.  Did you know unbelievers can have their minds blinded by “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4)?  That’s one reason why we must be very careful in judging others.  Believers can also be blinded and deceived by the Enemy.  That’s why a great percentage of believers can walk in pride and self-righteousness and not even be aware of it (1 John 2:11).

But the good news is that for those of us who are believers, the rescue has begun (Colossians 1:13).  We have “tasted the powers of the age to come” (Hebrews 6:5).  Paul said, “If anyone is in CHRIST, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

I love Galatians 5:1:  “It was for freedom that CHRIST set us free (it is a completed act, it is an on-going process, and it will culminate in our new home) . . . .”

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Friday, April 4, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big – Lent:  Day 31     
Scripture:  Romans 8:1-4:
Paul begins chapter 8 with the word “Therefore” because in chapter 7 he was crying out, “Wretched man that I am!  Who will set me free from the body of this death?”  Then he answers himself in verse 25:  “Thanks be to GOD through JESUS CHRIST our LORD!
So here it is, the good news:  “Therefore,” because of what GOD accomplished through the death, burial, and resurrection of JESUS, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8:1).”  In JESUS there is freedom from the power of sin.  We are not yet perfect and while living in this world it is not yet final freedom, but it is decisive and irrevocable freedom (v. 2).
We did not receive acquittal because our lives have changed.  Our lives are changing because we have been justified.  There isn’t anything left for us to do in order to earn acquittal.  GOD did it all (v. 3).
GOD didn’t simply criticize sin and call it condemnable.  Through the atoning work of JESUS in His suffering and dying body on the cross GOD executed a final sentence of condemnation on the sin of everyone who is in CHRIST.
JESUS never sinned.  Of all the people who have ever lived, JESUS is the only One who did not deserve to die.  JESUS is the only person who ever lived who did not deserve to suffer.  But He did and He did so in our place . . . instead of us.
JESUS was “delivered over because of our transgressions” (Romans 4:25); “CHRIST died for our sins according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3); JESUS “gave Himself for our sins” (Galatians 1:4).   
It was our sin that was being condemned and sentenced and punished completely and fully and finally and I will not be punished for it ever again.  And so we sing:
My faith has found a resting place,
Not in device nor creed;
I trust the ever living One,
His wounds for me shall plead.
I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that he died for me.

Enough for me that Jesus saves,
This ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul, I come to him,
He'll never cast me out.
My heart is leaning on the Word,
The written Word of God,
Salvation by my Savior's name,
Salvation through his blood.
My great Physician heals the sick,
The lost he came to save;
For me his precious blood he shed,
For me his life he gave.

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 30

Scripture: John 1:19-34
In this passage we see John the Baptist appearing as, “the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the LORD (Isaiah 40:3-5).’”  John is declaring, “The One I am speaking of comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie (v. 25-27).”

But then in verse 29 we read the most important declaration made by John in this passage:  “Behold, the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sin of the world!”  No ordinary human being can “take away the sin of the world.”

In 1 John 3:5 John states:  “He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin.”  The lambs offered in sacrifice to take away sin in the Old Testament had to be spotless and without blemish (Leviticus 4:32-35).  But we know that the blood of animals could not really take away sin (Hebrews 10:4).  That whole Old Testament system was pointing forward to what would happen someday in a final sacrifice for sin.  And John the Baptist is saying:  It’s happening now!  GOD is sending His own Lamb into the world to take away sin, once and for all.

What qualified JESUS for this humanly impossible act?  JESUS was not born of two humans.  He was the GOD-man because GOD ordained that the way the Word would become flesh would be through a virgin birth (Luke 1:30-35).  JESUS never inherited the “spiritual DNA” of the fallen man Adam.  He was conceived by HOLY SPIRIT.  And the unbelieving world says, “Yea!  Right!  Foolish gibberish!

The GOD-man would die like a lamb dies—slaughtered (Revelation 5:6, 9, 12; 13:8).  As a result the whole world would benefit from this; not just the Jews.  This GOD-man is the Jewish Messiah (John 1:41) but He is also the Savior for all who would believe . . . “to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).”

The message of Easter is this:  There is only one way to have sin taken away and to become right with GOD (John 14:6) . . . “for unless you believe that I Am He, you will die in your sins (JESUS—John 8:24).”

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 29

Scripture:  Romans 5:12-21

Today we will continue looking at Paul’s teaching on justification (just-as-if-I-have-never-sinned).  Paul is contrasting our death “in Adam” with our life “in CHRIST.”  Adam’s sin (Original Sin) brought separation from GOD and death to all the descendants of Adam, which is all of us.  JESUS death, burial, and resurrection purchased our redemption which brought reconciliation between GOD and all of us who are “in CHRIST.”

Redemption is not automatic for everyone.  It is reserved only for those who believe the GOSPEL OF CHRIST and who receive the offer of grace from GOD (v. 17).

The Law of GOD was given to clearly show us the impossibility of our capacity to make ourselves justified or righteous before a holy GOD (Galatians 3:10-29).  Throughout this passage Paul contrasts the work of Adam and CHRIST—between their deeds and the consequences of those deeds.

Because of The Fall (Original Sin) all of us have been born with a sin-nature.  The part of us that connects us with GOD and with our eternal existence—our spirit—died.  We are all descendants of our father Adam and we have inherited Adam’s “spiritual DNA.” 

But the good news of the GOSPEL OF CHRIST is that our old sin-nature was crucified with JESUS and was buried with JESUS (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6).  But we who are “in CHRIST” have been born again or born of the Spirit (John 3).  Therefore, we were also “in CHRIST” when He was resurrected and our spirit was restored to life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6).  Because of this redemptive work of JESUS, those of us who believe in Him are no longer descendants of Adam but we are now descendants of JESUS and we have inherited JESUS’ “spiritual DNA” (Romans 6).
The true measure that shows we have inherited the “spiritual DNA” of JESUS in seen in the fruit we bear (Galatians 5:16-26).  This is not the same as works or behavior.  Spiritual fruit is “vine life” and “branch life (John 15:1-17).  It is not the duty of the branch to try its hardest to produce fruit.  Branches simply abide in the vine, and the fruit-bearing takes place as a normal process. 

This is the work of HOLY SPIRIT “life-ing” out the life of JESUS within us and through us.  It is not our work.  Our work is to abide . . . to rest . . . in the completed redemptive work of JESUS.  This is the story of Easter!

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman