Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Celebrate Easter Big -- Lent: Day 35

Scripture – Hebrews 10:1-18

As believers it is important that we not become distracted by the world around us that we miss the presence of GOD.  One of the most important books I’ve read is, “Practicing the Presence of GOD,” by Brother Lawrence.  The basic premise of the book speaks of the possibility of being aware of GOD’s presence every waking moment of our lives.

Many believers give a couple of hours per week to the LORD as we attend our worship services and we give perhaps a few minutes of each day to the LORD in our “quiet time.”  But for the most part we rarely think about GOD’s presence and we totally miss GOD’s purpose for creating us.

From GOD’s perspective the most important part of our existence is that we come to understand He created us for Himself and He created us in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27).  Every lust of our flesh is a broken longing and yearning to embrace our true destiny . . . to embrace that which the Creator wove into our deepest being.

The writer of Hebrews is teaching us that the LORD enacted His final plan to redeem us, once and for all, in order that we might finally experience the joy of completeness and fulfillment.  By “taking away the first in order to establish the second” the LORD is making us holy through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST (v. 9-10).   And by this “one offering He has perfected for all time those whom He is making holy” (v. 14).

Holiness is discovering and embracing that which completely and fully satisfies the lusts and appetites of our flesh.  It is not found in anything temporal.  It is not found in religious moralistic values.  It is completeness in relationship with our Creator.

GOD created us in such a way that there would be only one thing that would truly complete us and fill us.  Only One Bread that completely satisfies . . . only One Drink that fully quenches our thirst.  JESUS is the Bread of Life and whoever comes to Him will not hunger and whoever believes in Him will never thirst (John 6:35).  Nothing else will satisfy the hunger and thirst of our soul. 

The appetites and lusts of our flesh are simply manifestations of our deepest inner hunger and thirst for experiencing all that GOD intended for us.  Hear GOD’s offer:  “I, the LORD, am your GOD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:8-10).

Have you heard about a holy man who has been doing incredible miracles and has confronted our religious leaders?  I hear he may be heading this way!  I wonder . . . .

JESUS is Risen . . . !

Richard Holloman

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