Acts 2:22-36
Many Christians do not grasp the
significance of the death of JESUS and for that reason they cannot celebrate Easter
in a big way. One cannot fully celebrate
the resurrection of JESUS without first embracing the darkness, pain,
suffering, and bloody mess of Good Friday.
One will not embrace the severity of Good Friday without recognizing
their part in what JESUS experienced during the Week of Passion.
Remember the somber Negro
Spiritual, “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?” Yes, we were all there! The essence of what happened to JESUS during
Passion Week was not the ending of His physical life but the rejection of GOD
in His life.
JESUS claimed to be the Son of
GOD (Luke 22:70-71). He claimed that He was
the Messiah (Luke 22:67-69). But the
religious leaders of that day called Him a blasphemer. They rejected GOD’s endorsement of JESUS and
they cried, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
We see in Peter’s sermon that He
was confronting his audience to awaken them to their opposition to GOD and to
GOD’s plan for the redemption of all people.
GOD totally affirms JESUS as the long-awaited Messiah. These extremely religious, moral, worshipping
people, who knew hundreds of scriptures, rejected JESUS as Messiah and by doing
so rejected GOD Himself.
JESUS clearly declares Himself to
be the only way to GOD (John 14:6). If
we compromise this truth as we live in this pluralistic culture we rise up
against GOD. If we relegate following
JESUS with religious activities and moralism we rise up against GOD. If we allow our faith to become mundane and
lifeless we rise up against GOD.
Peter’s sermon is powerful and
boldly confrontational. He clearly
declares, “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that GOD has
made Him [JESUS] both LORD and CHRIST—this JESUS whom YOU crucified” (v.
36). The critical issue in Peter’s
sermon is not the killing of a man, but the repudiation of GOD!
What a powerful and challenging
sermon! Peter is stating emphatically
that JESUS is The Messiah . . . there is no other . . . and YOU nailed Him to a
cross . . . and put Him to death – this JESUS whom YOU crucified is GOD’s
anointed One . . . the sacrificial Lamb of GOD (v. 23 & 36).
Were you there when they crucified
my LORD? Where you there when they
nailed Him to a tree? Were you there
when they laid Him in the tomb? Were you
there when GOD . . . . Embrace the
darkness, the suffering, and the flowing blood of JESUS.
JESUS is Risen . . . !
Richard Holloman
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